Franklin Historical Society-- Franklin, New Hampshire
Current Newsletter
The Society would like to gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Rev. Roger Sargent and his parishioners for lovingly restoring the orphans Webster Place cemetery gravestones to their original condition. Once again, the identities of these young lives lost are legible, to honor their short time on earth.
In keeping with a cemetery theme, it has come to the attention of the Society that Glenn Laramie organized a mowing and general cleanup of the Shaw Corner cemetery, with a request that anyone wishing to help notify him at the Cemetery Association’s office of their intentions so that he may coordinate efforts with his scheduled plans.
Labor Day has traditionally been the harbinger of the end of summer, the beginning of a new school year, and the first hint of fall. With tinges of color already appearing, it won’t be long before the full beauty of the season will surround us (and the raking, and mulching, will begin). At the Society, Labor Day Weekend means the LAST CHANCE to purchase and return the Scavenger Hunt forms to be eligible for the awarding of prizes at the monthly meeting on September 5th. That Thursday, at 7 pm, an intriguing program of “Mystery Photos” (this is a change from the originally scheduled program) with a tantalizing peek at hidden treasures in the Franklin Public Library’s archives, will illuminate the evening. The presentation will be followed by light refreshments, then the regular business meeting of the Society, and finish with the drawing of the lucky winners’ names in the Scavenger Hunt! The event is free and all are welcome. Please note that due to ongoing construction at the campus, parking is either in the lot behind the Webster/Tay building, or completely off the pavement along Holy Cross Road. Some additional spaces may be available at the far end of the buildings.
The Society will be open from 10 am to 2 pm all three days this holiday weekend to facilitate either purchasing, or returning completed entry forms, while visiting the Society’s museum. It is the traditional Labor Day Open House, to which all are invited. Beverages, snacks, and ice cream will be available for purchase, along with memberships and merchandise.
Curator’s Report: the gratitude expressed by the Society for these gifts never seems enough, but recognizing the donors and their important contributions is paramount. The following donations have been received:
From Annette Cain, three topographical maps of NH and a 1838 book; from an Anonymous Donor memorabilia from the (then) Franklin Regional Hospital, including a small cookbook; from Linda Pauwels her usual monthly contribution of interesting newspaper articles and obituaries; from Anna Mayo and Meredith Audet via Kathy Fuller Mayo family slides of the “LePoint pool, the Outing Club from winter 1978, the 1974 Class Day Parade, and printed 1956-59 Franklin Real Estate values; from Karen Hanson (Andover) three vintage postcards; from Lana Regel a beautiful framed (by Currier in Franklin) “Welcome” sampler, a small porcelain “wooden shoe” commissioned by Harry E. Merrill and commemorating the Webster Birthplace; Glendon Eaton’s FHS Class of 1945 photos, diploma, and memorabilia, along with Carlene Jones Eaton’s FHS Class of 1944 memorabilia, a scrapbook with articles relative to FHS classes from 1940-44, with Marguerite Foster Jones’ FHS 1925 Commencement Invitation, and lastly, a Franklin Dairy porch cooler; from Alice Saville of Warner a wooden Giles Dairy crate; from Ann Sprague of Meredith a circa 1915 postcard of the Webster cabin interior; from Delaney Carrier a copy of “A Synoptic History of the Granite State” published in 1939; and from Rita and Bob Norander a school desk with a Hersey history from the Pond School. The style was similar to the desks used by the Orphanage at one time, with the seat for the students sitting in front, attached to the desk in behind. Painted white when it was used to hold plants, it began its life as natural varnished wood. Now it stands out in the Society’s classroom homage.
for further revelations from the library's collections.
A special thank you goes to Rob Sargent, Director of the Franklin Public Library, who graciously allowed curator Annette Andreozzi, member Kathy Fuller, and president Leigh Webb to document and digitize some of the incredible items in the library’s collections. A tiny number of these will be revealed during this month’s presentation, but one image is presented below to whet the appetite for the monthly meeting’s reveal. Stay tuned
Franklin Historical Society
September 2024
Final reminder: the Open House is the last chance to enter the Scavenger Hunt and become eligible for some really good prizes/gift certificates. Come on down! Each chance is only $10, with the proceeds to help defray operational and maintenance expenses, particularly over the coming winter.